What is RUOK®

Are You OK?® What It Is & How It Works

The system consists of a personal computer system, telephone, printer and the Are You OK?® software. The computer stores subscriber names, numbers and call times. When RUOK® is started (RUOK® is designed to run 24/7 and automatically cycle every day at midnight) it automatically calls each person in the system at their pre-deteremined time. When RUOK® hears a voice response on the phone it delivers a short pre-recorded message.

RUOK® system operators may choose to monitor responses through the computer’s speakers while attending to other duties. At the end of each calling day, a daily log of calls is automatically printed.

If the RUOK® subscriber doesn’t answer after a preset number of call attempts, an alert is given visusually on the computer’s monitor and audibly on the computer’s speakers. A printout containing emergency information on the subscriber, including doctor name and phone number, contact name and phone number, next of kin and brief medical history is generated.
